AN4022 - Advanced Keri Manikin
Contact us for further information on this product
- Unusually realistic appearance as a woman or as a man when wig is removed
- Unique visual features reinforce importance of inspecting patients and noting changes in their
- appearance
- All joints with maximum lifelike range of motion
- Simulations allow the practice of more than 35 patient care procedures
- Features
- Urinary catheterisation
- Enema administration
- Prostate exam Stage B
- Pap smears and douching
- Ostomy care ileostomy and colostomy lavage and suctioning
- Placement of nasogastric tubes
- Oral and nasal lavage, gavage, and suctioning
- Tracheostomy care lavage and suctioning
- Intramuscular injection sites arms, thigh, buttock
- Denture removal
- Oral hygiene and eye irrigation
- Bed baths
- Finger and toe bandaging
- Bandaging and wound dressing
- Clothing changes
- Patient positioning
- Patient transfer techniques
- Hearing aid removal and placement
- IV Training Arm (AN3214)
- features replaceable skins and latex veins
- Blood Pressure Arm (AN3204)
- Blood Pressure Arm produces the five Korotkoff sounds
- Systolic and diastolic levels, pulse rate, volume and auscultatory gap can be varied
Optional Extras |
AN3465 | Rigid Carrying Case |
AN3466 | Soft Carrying Case |
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