AN1069 - Cervical Dilation/Effacement Simulators
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- A set of six models for very easy comparison of the stages in cervical dilatation and effacement before birth
- Designed to facilitate cervical examination before birth
- Cervical conditions featured in the six block models, each having an identical external appearance:
- No dilatation, no effacement
- 2cm dilatation, 50% effacement
- 2cm dilatation, full effacement
- 5cm dilatation, full effacement
- 7cm dilatation, full effacement
- 9cm dilatation, full effacement
- Allows students to compare the different carefully represented internal texture, tissue density and anatomy for each of the six conditions
- Supplied in a carrying case with a teaching guide
- Lubricated surgical gloves must be worn when handling these models
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