AV900 - Wound Care Model
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- The most comprehensive wound care model of its kind, moulded from a 74-year-old patient
- All four stages of pressure ulcers are displayed – some with the additional complications of undermining, tunneling, sinus tract, slough, infection, and exposed bone
- Also displayed are an unstageable eschar, a sutured incision herpes and candidiasis
- Principles, skills and tools necessary for wound cleansing, classification, staging and assessment can be reviewed, as well as the measurement of wound length, depth, undermining and tunneling
- All types of dressings including alginate, biosynthetic, collagen, gauze, hydrocolloids, hydrogels, skin substitutes, transparent films and wound fillers can be applied
- Positioning of wounds on model permits multiple dressings to be demonstrated at the same time
- Dressings adhere to dry surface of the model and are easily removed
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AV901 | Carrying Case |
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