APEIT100 - Lumbar Epidural Injection Trainer
Contact us for further information on this product
- Designed to help trainee anaesthetists acquire the necessary tactile skills for epidural anaesthesia
- Loss of resistance to air or saline is the key stage in performing an epidural injection and is a difficult skill to learn, requiring repeated experience of the changes that occur as the epidural needle is advanced
- Offers both tactile and visual access to the lumbar spine, the epidural space and the dural sac
- The spinous processes and the interspinous spaces can be palpated beneath the skin
- Epidural injection is carried out using either air or saline to detect loss of resistance and if accidental dural puncture occurs, cerebrospinal fluid will appear
- The tissue layers of the trainer replicate the tactile feedback from the skin and subcutaneous tissues, the intersinous ligaments and the ligamentum flavium
- Easy to disassemble revealing the relevant anatomical details and where the needle tip has been directed
- The spinous processes of LI-5 are palpable and epidural injection can be performed at all four interspinous levels
- Includes:
- Touhy needle
- Loss of resistance syringe
Spare Parts |
APEIT101 | Smooth White Skin |
APEIT102 | Ligamentum Flavium |
APEIT105 | Spinal Cord Fluid-filled sachets (Pack of 5) |
APEIT106 | Muscle Layer |
APEIT107 | Instrument Kit (Two Pieces) |
APEIT108 | Set of Extra Long Fluid-filled Cords for use with Spinal Catheters |
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