AS816 - Multiple Casualty Simulation Kit
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Designed for intermediate and advanced first aid courses, this kit contains some of the most common injuries. Its high level of realism teaches students to recognise and treat injuries in a
hands-on, unforgettable learning experience.
This kit contains:
- One open amputation
- One compound (open) fracture of tibia
- One compound fracture of humerus
- One sucking wound of chest
- One gun shot wound of palm
- One bottle coagulant make-up blood
- One package powder thickener
- Three packs blood powder for 11.5 litres simulated blood
- 24 assorted lacerations and open fractures
- One adhesive stick
- One casualty simulation wax
- One pack broken Perspex (for embedding in casualty simulation wax and simulating glass in wound)
- One each grease paint: white, blue, brown and red
- Four reservoirs and pump assembly
- One sprayer
- Three spatulas
- Three tongue depressors
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