AS819 - Advanced Military Casualty Simulation Kit
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This comprehensive kit contains bleeding strap-on and stick-on wounds and injuries. The kit’s compound fractures, burns, puncture wounds, evicerations, lacerations, flesh and fragment wounds, and foreign body protrusions add increased realism and value to all disaster training scenarios.
This kit contains:
- 60 assorted stick-on injury simulations
- Four bleeding moulages with pumpassemblies
- One each: palette, spatula, scissors, mirror, measuring cup
- Two each: sprayers, casualty simulation wax, adhesive for stick-on wounds, coagulant make-up blood
- Three packs blood powder to make a total of 11.5 litres of simulated blood
- One methyl cellulose for blood thickening
- Two each: Perspex for simulated glass in wound
- Two each: fake dirt
- One each: glycerine for perspiration, cold cream, mineral oil, charcoal
- Three latex compound
- Two each: petroleum jelly, pressure sensitive tape
- One each: modelling paste – white and dark
- Two each: 14g make-up liners: red, blue, brown, white, yellow, black, flesh
- One assortment of cotton balls, swab sticks, tongue depressors, tissues, make-up sponges
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