AS818 - EMT Casualty Simualtion Kit
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Expanded from the original US army kit developed for the Medical Corps, this 95 piece set provides for realistic practice in the care, management and transport of victims in major trauma situations.
This kit contains:
- One jaw wound
- One abdominal wound with protruding intestines
- One sucking wound of the chest
- Two compound (open) fractures of humerus
- Two compound (open) fractures of femur
- One laceration of forehead
- One leg amputation
- Two compound (open) fractures of tibia
- Two gunshot wounds of palm (the above come complete with reservoirs and pump assembly)
- One phosphorus burn of forearm
- First, second and third degree burn of face, chest, back, hand and forearm
- One face in shock
- 36 assorted lacerations and open fractures
- One adhesive stick
- Two casualty simulation wax
- Three bottles coagulant make-up blood
- Five packs blood powder for 19 litres simulated blood
- One package blood powder thickener
- One each grease paint: white, blue, brown and red
- Two packs broken Perspex (embed in casualty simulation wax to simulate glass in wound)
- One cold cream
- Two mist sprayer
- One each modelling paste: light and dark
- Six tongue depressors
- Tissues
- One fake dirt
- One charcoal
- One Vaseline
- One mirror
- Two spatulas
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