AS3500 - STAT BAby
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- STAT Baby brings you the most lifelike simulator for infant care and contains a wide range of skill sets in a simple format. The infant is sized to a 9-month-old and weighs 8.16 kg.
- Features
- Bilateral chest tube insertion
- Defibrillation with shock level of 2-4 joules per kg
- ET tube insertion
- Feeding tube care
- Foley catheter insertion (female)
- Intramuscular and subcutaneous injection sites
- lntraosseous leg
- LMA insertion
- NG tube placement with fluid reservoir
- Peripheral IV sites on hand and foot
- PICC line
- Pneumothorax
- Rectal medication
- Six pulse locations (two brachial, two femoral, two carotid)
- Tongue oedema and laryngospasm
- Trachea care
- Includes
- IV vein kit (one arm and one leg)
- Leg skin
- Arm skin
- Twelve Intraosseous leg bones
- Four pneumothorax sites
- Two injection sites
- One PICC line site
- Four reservoir bags
- Defibrillator adapters
- ECG interactive simulator
- Simulated blood powder
- Carrying bag.
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