AS401 - PDA STAT Baby
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- PDA STAT Baby comprises all the features of the STAT Baby AS350 in electronic format.
- PDA STAT Baby allows the instructor to subtly change the physiological features of the baby to further challenge the student’s assessment skills, and to track the session for later review.
- Scenarios can be set up utilising the newly released Manikin Data Editor (MDE) programming to standardise sessions.
- Other uses of the MDE include student list creation, session editing, record archiving, and printing of records.
- Includes the same accessories as the STAT Baby AS350
- Features
- Advanced intubation head with tongue oedema and laryngospasm
- Chest tube insertion (left side only)
- Rectal medication
- Defibrillation
- 4-lead monitoring
- 6 pulse points
- IM/SQ injection sites
- Sternal retraction
- lntraosseous leg
- 3 IV sites
- PICC access site
- Urinary catheterisation
- Pneumothorax reduction bilaterally
- Very lifelike new skin material
- Aneroid blood pressure cuff
- Fully enclosed crib with waterproof surface
- Heart sounds
- Lung sounds
- PDA and programming
- 1.8m tether assembly so that the baby can be handled
- Spontaneous breathing
- Voice sounds
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