AK078 - Bed Sore Treatment Model
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Model showing typical representation of decubitis ulcer formed in the sacral region. Set consists of six different skins representing stages I – IV of decubitis ulcer formation: Model 1, Stage I: Skin flare, no change to to pale skin by pressure Model 2, Stage II: Partial Skin wound to epidermis and dermis. Blister and erosion observed Model 3, Stage II: Partial Skin wound to epidermis and dermis. Blister and erosion observed Model 4, Stage III: Wound to subcutaneous tissue. A pocket may be formed Model 5, Stage III: Wound to subcutaneous tissue. A pocket may be formed Model 6, Stage IV: Deep wound down to the muscle, bone and supporting tissue. A pocket is formed and surgery may be required
Model can be fitted to a training doll or trainee.
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