BOS15/33 - Fruit of the Cacao Tree
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Theobroma cacao, natural size, made of SOMSO-Plast. According to Prof. Dr. W. Weber.Flowers and fruits develop all the year round on the leafless trunk or strong offshoot branches (cauliflory). In each of the five fruit compartments on the axial placenta there are two rows of seeds. The fruit is a dry bean with a fibrous, firm pericarp. Upon ripening the bean is embedded in a mucilaginous light pink coloured pulp on the pod wall. The removable contents of the pod can be seen in five double rows of beans. The thin seed coat covers the shoot with the two cotyledons. Two of the seeds can be removed. The one (a) cut lengthwise to show the shoot with the folded cotyledons, the other (b) is cut crosswise to enable the cross cut cotyledons to be seen. Separates into 7 parts. On a base.
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